To Err
"Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure that there is one less scoundrel in the world." ~Thomas CarlyleWhen sitting down to write this post I was thinking it was just going to be another FYI or Tid Bits entry to let the world know how my day went and what happenings I did or did not do. Such as how I changed my blog back to the style I so loved but changed the text style in hopes that it works better or how it's been snowing for 3 days or how I went out and played in the snow today or how we took my brother to the hospital today and other such things. But that's not where I'm going this... not tonight. It's been a while since I last posted something meaningful and thought provoking.
There a great deal of things in life that a person wishes never to encounter and then in turn deal with. One such thing is deceit. Not your average run of the mill lie and cover-up but something deeper and more emotionally devastating. When you uncover a truth that has the potential to destroy everything you've ever believed in, how do you deal with that? Where does on go from there? Do you give up everything you've ever loved and start over with bigger walls and issues? Or do you do the unthinkable and forgive? Yet, there is one excuse that I've recently discovered for a mistake of my own: 'Because I'm human'. Everyone is. Everyone makes mistakes. So now what?
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