Holy Cow
"Some day, in years to come, you will be wrestling with the great temptation, or trembling under the great sorrow of your life. But the real struggle is here, now, in these quiet weeks. Now it is being decided whether, in the day of your supreme sorrow or temptation, you shall miserably fail or gloriously conquer. Character cannot be made except by a steady, long continued process." ~Phillips Brooks
Wow! I'm a slacker. I've not posted in like 15 days. Work is keeping me pretty busy and tired. Then trying to maintain some sort of a personal life.
I wonder... why is it that some people are completely willing to make what sacrifice is necessary to ensure the happiness of others while there are those are only willing to make a sacrifice if it ensures their own happiness while hurting others. What trial does one have to go thru to learn the lesson and achieve the virtue of selflessness?
Growing up you hear time and time again that all friendships crash and burn. Why is that? Why do you hear that on a regular basis? Apparently because there must be some truth behind it. All stereo types and mass cliches are derived from some sort of mass collective behavior that enforces it. I think I'm beginning to understand.
If you have everything but love, do you have anything at all? I guess that truly depends on your priorities. To some people, material is everything.
I will get better with this posting thing. No more slacking, I will not allow it.
I think it depends on the love you are looking for in life. Some people consider material possessions and the envy they derive from them as love.
Aside from that all friendships must come to an end at some point (I suppose it could be evolve.....but eventually they evolve out of your life anyways) Life and people aren't stagnant (forgive my spelling, I am too tired ot bother fixing wrong words.)
Depressing realistic notes aside, I miss you dustin! Love ya
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