Happiness Cat
"Happiness is like a cat. If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you. It will never come. But if you pay no attention to it and go about your business, you'll find it rubbing up against your legs and jumping into your lap." -William BennettYeah, right. I've been waiting for 23 years. I think my happiness cat's dead.
So my tape is on the desk of the Survivor people... now I just have to wait until late July to find out if I made the first cut of 800 interviews. Though I'm sure I at least made it that far, lol. I have no patience for this. I wanna know now.
I had yesterday and today off. It was nice. Unfortunately it's back to work tomorrow. However, it is Friday so that means that I do not have Research Writing class. She goes to Ocean City to gamble and get drunk every weekend so she decided to have Fridays as a free day. She's nuts.
Hmm... that's all I got, lol. I'm too tired to think.
DUSTIN!!! Where are you? Keep up with your journal so I can read them! Woo internet stalking!
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