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Dustin's Diary

A look at the day's happenings and thoughts. ~Read at your own discretion. This blog is from the mind of the author and contains opinions that are of the author. It is no way endorced by any other company or any other body.

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Location: Rimersburg, Pennsylvania, United States

I am an enigma. A perfect right hand middle man living safely supported on the edge. Complicatedly simple or simply complicated, that's for you to decide. I lose the games I play & win the ones I don't. I'm not here to play games. I'm here, there, everywhere. Often I like to feel as if I'm the world. Other times I want to melt into the scenery. I see myself as a familiar stranger standing along the street as life speeds by. I like strangers & love my friends. I laugh when people fall but offer a helping hand. I hate people but love working with the public. The Constitution is wrong, all men are not created equal; they should be. I believe that not everyone has the same opportunities; it's what you do with the ones that lay before you that determine who you become. I like to walk. Running is too fast; but some roses are meant to be seen & not smelled. Time is an illusion created by man. I’ll create it for those who are willing to do the same. Your birthday is important to me & hope mine is to you. I tend to give more than I receive. Respect & appreciation are key. Conversation is a gold mine; knowledge is wealth & power. My intelligence is my most prized possession, don't insult it.

Friday, February 06, 2004

I should be happy that it's Friday because the weekend started, but my weekend started yesterday. Woohoo. I'd be more excited if I didn't have so much make-up work to for my classes because of the damn snow. But alas in order to better myself to help further in the bettering of society I must fulfill my educational requirements. Who knew that going back to school would be so rough!?!

So today was actually a good day. I got up and watched my Ellen. I do love her! Then I grabbed a shower. I wanted to do some shopping but couldn't get a hold of Shawna and never thought to call her mom's looking for her. Silly me! Sometimes I can be so flighty. Anyway, I didn't do the shopping that I had my heart set on doing. I do need to get it done though, Valentine's Day is just around the corner. I had also intended on taking my mommy grocery shopping but I changed my mind after my shower. I simply didn't feel like going out in the icky weather. It rained all night last night and most of the day today. I did watch Days of Our Lives today. I'm not sure how I feel about the new story line with Marlena. I did some home body work that I have been wanting to do but haven't felt up to par. Speaking of which, I was feeling a little under the weather for a few days but I'm over it. Yay!

I mentioned yesterday about my diminishing relationships. I slept on it and today reflected up on it and I must write a rebuttal on that statement. They aren't diminishing. They've just lapsed and for good reason. Lack of time and commitment to them. I realize that I'm not as committed to those relationships as I was at one point and thought I remained. Well today I put it on the mend and began to put some energy into saving them. People may say that you shouldn't have to work in keeping friendships/relationships but I say this to that: What in life come easy? Isn't the valuable things in life that people strive for on a daily basis? We may have a different opinion on what's valuable but none-the-less it's the precious things in life that one must work on attaining and to me friendships and relationships with the people I hold dear are worth it. So as of today I'm going to make more time for my social life with my family and friends.

I think I may be mis-representing myself on this journal. I've been presenting myself as being drab and dreary and I want everyone to realize a few things. This particular journal has just began and it began at a point in my life when big transitions were taking place. It was just after the holidays, which in the past had been a rough and difficult time for me, but these past couple of months have been different. My family has been treating me different... better. Transitions have been taking place not only with in me but for me. More of my family has become more accepting. Then going back to school was a little rough. Things with my best friend had been sticky. I've been on an emotional roller coaster. I've recently "encountered" someone that has shown me the slow process that is the movement towards equality in human life and existence, so that has also been on my mind and flooded back some horrible memories during a time when I was susceptible. But everything is getting better and smoothing out. I'm gaining my cool back and in a few days I'll be my every so obnoxiously optimistic self once again. I can promise you this. There will be more posts of sadness and sorrow and there will be some of joy and happiness. I lead a somewhat normal life in the regards that I am just as susceptible to emotions as the next person.

I would like to bring up a TV show (go figure :P) that I try to regularly watch on Friday nights. JOAN OF ARCADIA It's truly a good show. Though I'm not much into religion; and the show does revolve around the idea that God speaks to this teenage girl, it does have other schemes and agenda's that I must profess are truly inspirational. I would love to discuss the contents of tonight's episode but it would do the story line no justice and it wouldn't have the same effect on people as if they watched it.

and that's all she wrote. Today was good. 5 stars


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