At last.
Beauty, truth, friendship, love, creation - these are the great values of life. We can't prove them, or explain them, yet they are the most stable things in our lives. - Jesse Herman Holmes
Man does not live by a turkey in every oven or a color TV set in every home. Man lives by faith and hope and love, by the star on the horizon, by the trumpet that will not call retreat.- -- E. Merrill Root
Well now... How long it's been since I have posted. Let me just say that it is not entirely my fault at all. Anyone who has keep in contact with me would know the many reasons. There are a few bigger reasons which I will discuss.
The first major event would be that my roommate Bradd has moved out. He moved out over a month ago and thus our room lost the computer (since it was his.) His moving out had a lot to do with the other two roommates. The one (Daniel) used his computer for things that Bradd had repeatedly asked him not to. Then the other roommate (Jason) had driven him insane with his weirdness. Jason is indescribable. He's not a bad guy... He's just odd. He's kind of OCD about football and therefore his conversations are very limited. His only other topics are sex (how he wants it), and work. Another reason that contributed to his leaving the room would be the fact that the two of them (Jason & Daniel) constantly were butting heads over who made the mess (when it was both of them) and who was going to clean it (which was neither of them). Ugh...
The second major event that took place would have been the landing of Hurricane Charley. Good ole Chuck... Disney has this odd thing about closing the park, like not doing it. They stayed open as long as they possibly could. I was sent to the Boardwalk Resort to help out. It was good times. Most of the Rangers were sent there. The Boardwalk then sent us home with pizza and Mickey Premium Bars. So we decided to have a little hurricane party. We gathered up some Rangers at Alisha's house and had ourselves a little party. The party was of interesting sorts. Alisha managed to offend most of the people there within a matter of moments. She's a little too negative and whinny but one must learn how to handle people of all types. Alisha doesn't bother me as much as she seems to other people. Charley was here and gone in no time. It only took a few hours to be over. I was personally disappointed in the intensity of his wrath until I saw the destruction outside Disney property. Though he managed to take out the internet for a couple of days. I was also busy working, covering call off shifts.
The third major event that happened would be the departure of the Spring Advantage Rangers. I wanted to spend as much time with them as possible. I had only known these guys for a total of three months but they became my family and closest friends. Saying good-bye to them was one of the hardest things. Four of them happen to live within 3-4 hours from me back home so it shouldn't be too hard to keep in touch. But as for the rest of them it's not a "see you later" type of thing. It's a "see you never again" type of thing and that makes it sucky. I was then faced with the harsh reality that in January I will again be forced with the tears of good-bye when I have to part ways with the Rangers of the Fall Advantage Program. After spending a total of 8 months with them, it'll be hard. A few of them have become like family and a significant part of my everyday life. It's been awhile since I really made mention of the Rangers and my relationship with any specific Ranger. But my relationship with Rachel has diminished to little more than a hang out buddy. She seems to get so upset over the smallest of things. No matter how minute the problem or comment. She seems to have a "holier than tho" attitude about her for most of us, especially since Lynn chose her to work in the Oz office. We all notice it but don't want to cause drama by saying anything to her about it. It just wouldn't be pretty. She doesn't take criticism very well... At all. Jenn and Jeremy are like my siblings, only cooler. I love them and will miss them so much. I can't put into words how much their friendship is helping through this. Embrey, Natalia and Allison are also important assets to my Disney life. A life that I am already feeling saddened that I will be leaving behind. Sarah... Now Sarah is especially going to be hard to say goodbye to. She has become my best friend and has been. I don't see it changing. Her and I are a lot alike in many ways. January is going to be rough times.
The third major event that took place would be my family coming down. My mom, my brother and Daniel drove down. I took off 5 days to spend with them. So I was away from my apartment for about a week. We managed to get into all the theme parks anod Blizzard Beach. I missed them guys so much. It was great to see them and spend some time with them. It gave me such a refresher. In many ways I am torn about my feelings. I can't wait to get back home and be with them again but then I don't want to say good-bye to these guys here. Daniel is going to try and come back down again before the end of my program. I am hoping that he is able to make it. It would be nice.
The fourth major event that took place would be Hurricane Frances. Damned bitch. She took her good ole sweet ass time moving along. Two days. What hurricane takes two damned days to pass on by. Of course the Rangers were on top of things and had a hurricane party planned. This time it was a slumber party at Tiffany's. So we gathered up some alcohol and provisions and set out for a Ranger slumber. Being locked up in that apartment with everyone was fun times (with a few exceptions.) I actually didn't spend the entire time at the party. I took my slumber else where. I have trouble sleeping with large groups so I slept in another apartment (next door to Tiff, my friend Tommy's) and went back to Tiffany's in the morning. Disney did in deed close down for the two days. It was rough times. My pay check this week is going to be so miniscule. But we are almost back to business as usual. However a third hurricane is on it's way and set to make landfall this weekend. It would figure that the time I do an internship in FL is the year that nature decides to break all hurricane records and bombard FL with a hurricane on a weekly basis.
This evening the Rangers had an outing. An outing that I think has been way past due. Having a party in an apartment is one thing but getting out and doing something is another. After nights out we feel refreshed and invigorated and a little more bonded. Our pool parties have been cancelled time and time again because of the weather but I'm hoping that we will soon be able to get them back on track again. Alisha's coming around and people are a little less annoyed by her. I think because she's toned it down and there are now new Rangers that have more annoying qualities. I am hoping that I'll be able to move past the hindrances that I am having with a few of my fellow Rangers. It's not their fault that they have a crappy personality. I just need to learn to live with it... They did. =P
My horoscope:
Use an area of mutual interest to cultivate a friendship with a coworker. Do something different than you would normally do. Pay attention to messages from your body. It is quite likely that you have been burning the candle at both ends and need to take a little time for yourself. If you take steps to be a little more comfortable around the office or broaden your interests, you will get a much-needed boost of energy. Tend to some needs that have been neglected lately.
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