Ashley's Post
"Forming characters! Whose? Our own or others? Both. And in that momentous fact lies the peril and responsibility of our existence." ~Elihu BurrittI choose that quote because for several reasons. One because it just sounds like something Ashley would say. Two because I believe it is an honest statement.
Anyone who has had the opportunity to meet Ashley, and actually took the time to seriously get to know her, would be able to tell you almost the same things that I have to say about her and her character.
Ashley is a person who has forged her own character instead of letting other people do it for her. She makes no excuses nor offers any apologies for who she is, which I find to be admirable. When developing into the person she was when we met she jumped on no bandwagons. Instead she took the paths of uniqueness and individuality. She takes pride in her individualism, as she should.
I say "the person she was when we met" for a particular reason. The time we have all spent in Florida have changed us all in numerous ways. Some for the good, some for the bad, some both ways. Some changes are small, while others big, with some being semi-permanent while others lasting a life time. Ashley, being human (though she may not want to admit it), like the rest of us did some changing of her own. Though her changes may be subtle and some of them still unknown to even her, they didn't change her core being and that's what counts. She grew as an individual and as human being. She became a better person, which is all anyone could hope for and should strive for.
Ashley may or may not be aware of the impact that she has on people but it doesn't change the fact that she does impact the life anyone who takes the time to become a true friend of hers. She has lessons to be learned and gifts to give. Her friendship in itself is a true gift and blessing. The lessons learned from Ashley depend entirely upon the person and what they need to learn and what they're willing to learn, if they're open to change and progress. She could teach you about honesty, loyalty, compassion, friendship and not to mention coffee. She could teach you about trust, faith and integrity. Those are some of the things that I have learned and taken away from our friendship. The best part is that she doesn't even realize that she's capable of teaching such life lessons and that's what makes it a sincere friendship and learning. She didn't try to change you, it just happened. Anyone who has met her and can't think of one positive thing that she has taught them has obviously not taken the time to befriend her.
I am much obliged that I had the opportunity to meet Ashley and even more honored that I had the chance to befriend her. My time spent in Florida would not have been as much of a learning and growing experience, as it was, without her. Thank you, Ashely for all you've done. I wish you nothing but the best in life and the best of luck in all you do.
I hope you concur, Pumpkin head.
Oh I concur. I love you dustin.
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