Ticket Bought
He said: "Just think it over, and write me a list,
"So we can figure out what we both deserve.
"She hardly could believe it, that their love had come to this:
Dividing an' deciding his and hers.
But she grabbed a paper napkin, an' asked the waitress for a pen.
An' one by one, she wrote down what she wanted most from him.
"Honesty, sincerity, tenderness and trust.
"A little less time for the rest of the world,
"And more for the two of us.
"Just like it used to be."
"Kisses each mornin', 'I love you's' at night,"
The way life was when you were in love with me."
"Enthusiasm is the best protection in any situation. Wholeheartedness is contagious. Give yourself, if you wish to get others." -David Seabury
Well, it's done. I finalized my flight arrangements. My ticket is bought and confirmed. Wow. I'll finally be done with this program in 13 days. If I don't have to work on the 2nd then my last day of work will be Dec 31st and I'll be out at 8:30.
Can't wait to get home and be home for my birthday. Yet, scared. What will I be leaving behind? What will I be going home to? Who will I be gong home to? What does life have in store for me next?
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