Soon. Very Soon.
Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own. -Chinese proverb
Today I woke up earlier than I had needed because I figured that they may call me in early again, like they had been. But I kept slipping in and out of consciousness. They didn't call so it was ok. I finally drug myself out of bed with enough time to get my shower and get dressed and get to the bus with no rush. It was a lax morning.
Once I got to EPCOT, I needed to change my shoes. I then sat down by CDS to read by book until it was time to punch in. Before punching in I went into the office to check my mailbox and to check the secret santa list. 9 people have signed up so far. Even if only a few more sign up we have a decent amount. As I was heading out of the office to punch in Wendy came out of the office. We conversed for a few and then she told me where she deployed me. She said that I was the one Ranger that she wanted to give a happy home to. She failed. I was deployed to Liberty Inn - kitchen. I've never worked a kitchen shift before and here I was going to Liberty Inn which is guaranteed to be abnormally busy because of the Candlelight Procession. I wasn't angry just a little irritated. When I got there Maria was manager so I knew I was in good shape. I just explained to her the situation and I was placed on counter (I wore the knickers in case I was able to switch). Gabe then came in and all was right in the world. It was a good day. So Wendy succeeded after all. Though while I was getting checked out I saw CJ with Mouse Gear attire. Everyone knows that Dustin craves Mouse Gear. That would have made me orgasm. I do hope to get it at least once in my last 29 days.
Something that I heard about but had not yet seen was the giant ginger bread house in the the American pavilion. I never noticed it. It's because it's actually in the dining room of Liberty Inn. It's huge. Someone is actually inside it selling cider, coffee, hot chocolate, and such things of the sort. Very cute.
Nothing of any major significance happened today. We were so busy - too busy - for any drama or to dwell on any stupidness that may have been lurking about anywhere. Even my breaks were drama free. I just sat in the break room and read my little book. Let us hope that tomorrow brings us the same luck. Unlikely but possible. I am to work at 1015. But my shift is split in two. I was originally to do the tree lighting but it was changed (a few days ago) to working in Norway at the restaurant instead. So who knows what's going on with that. Miriam's an idiot and probably made a mistake. Oh speaking of the dumb ass; she came into Liberty Inn today. I just wanted to kick her. lol
Less than a month and I'll be home. Less than a month I'll be 23. Less than a month... less than a month.
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