An Epic
In the final analysis there is no solution to man's progress but the day's honest work, the day's honest decisions, the day's generous utterances and the day's good deed. -Clare Booth LuceSunday: Nothing of any importance happened. It was a pretty normal day. I was called in early as usual as of late. Which I'm fine with. When I got to work I was given a choice of where to deployed to. One of the choices was Towers. I've not been there since August so I went there. I enjoy working there. It's my second favorite place to work. However, I wasn't there for my entire shift. I was scheduled to work Mickey's Tree Lighting Treat. I was in charge of crowd control. It felt good to finally be able to be stern with the stupid people. Made me smile. From there I just came home and relaxed a bit before dying Natalia's hair. Then went over to Stewart's apartment to see Jenn & Jeremy. Oh yeah, Jeremy's back in town for a few days. Although today is his last day here. It sure was nice to see him again.
Monday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATALIA! I was scheduled to work 7-330 on a custodial shift but I called in and took a personal day. Most of the Rangers who held any significance to me was all scheduled to do graduation. Well, I wanted to go as well, so I did. Natalia and I went over thinking we would meet up with everyone over there and hang out. We were slightly wrong. We saw everyone but they went about and did their own thing, so we did ours.
The first thing we did was to get our ears (Mickey ears with a tassel). From there we went to the college representative recruiters and talked with them about our late applications. After that we stood we in line for the henna artist. The line was relatively small at that point so we got thru quickly. Natalia got hers on her foot and I on my right arm. They both came out very nice. From there we met everyone in line to get a picture with Mickey & Minnie in their graduation garb. We each got individuals and a group. It was kind of a huge group so it was mass chaos as it usually is with us. lol. The poor photographers. Then Natalia and I went back for our 15 minute touch-up on our art work. As she was doing mine, the henna artist said that she was glad to see that all day not one person's got smudged. Me too, I wouldn't want a dyed smudge on my skin. So then we headed over to get a picture with Goofy. He smudged me, good. So after our picture he took my wrist and escorted me to the front of the line to have it fixed. Don't worry folks, it's ok. It looks good. Then it was food time after which we had decided to take a paddle boat out onto the lake. It was so nice. So peaceful. We returned to shore and headed home.
She came to my apartment and used my net before heading out to do some shopping. I also headed out to do some shopping. I needed to buy the stuff to bake her a birthday cake. Which is what I spent the rest of the afternoon doing. I made a red velvet cake. The cake itself turned out nice. Though it fell. The icing was great. Right after I got done making it I called Natalia back and invited her over. We had some cake before heading out to Chile's for dinner. I bought her her first official drink. Then it was off to drink around LBV. We went to Chevy's and then to Jungle Jim's. It's here where everyone else shows up. Tho neither of us expected anyone else to show but they all did. I'm glad too, it made her happy. After Jungle Jim's we headed to Pleasure Island to see LeeAnn and Eric O. before heading back to Jungle Jim's with Jason (& roomie), LeeAnn, and Eric O. in tow. It was a full Volkswagen. Then it was home.
I was the DD (Designated Dustin) for the night, so after I drove Natalia home I started to walk home and ran into a group of Brazilians. Had a long conversation with them and then came home and went to bed around 5 am.
Tuesday: I had to be at work at 2 pm and so I slept in until noon. Then to work I went. I got there and found out that I didn't mean to be there until 230 so I sat and read my book. When I punched in I about orgasmed. It happened. It finally happened. I was deployed to Mouse Gear for the first time since the first week of June. Work there was good. The day went by fast. The only drama was small. I had a tiff with the general tellers. They got stupid with me and mumbled some junk while walking away. I finished with the guest at hand then went over and told them what I thought about their kind. Stupid old bags. The other drama was a lost child. A very inebriated gentleman approached me about his lost 4-year old daughter. He told me that he had already contacted security and they told him to go to guest relations, so he came to Mouse Gear. He wasn't listening to anything anyone said. He then went to the cast member beside me and told her his story. Finally he decided to head to guest relations. Right after he left we found his daughter. We called guest relations to let them know and escorted the little girl there. He never showed. He lost himself. Dumbass. I don't know if they ever found his drunk ass. Work went quickly and it was time to come home. I came home and hung out all night.
During my first break, at Mouse Gear, I finished my book, Mirror Mirror. It wasn't as good as Confessions. I was slightly disappointed. The little twists it had weren't anything to rave about. It almost seems as if he only wrote it for the same of making a few bucks. I'm hoping he did a better job with Lost.
Wednesday: It was the first of my scheduled days off. I woke up early and called into deployment and asked if any shifts were open. They said there were and without asking what they were I agreed to go in. I got there at 1130. I was given a choice of a few places. I chose Pins until 9. They day itself was very uneventful. It drug on forever. It seemed as if it was never gonna end. But it eventually did.
There was one thing that happened today that makes me smile. As I was standing at the hat cart I noticed a young girl and an older lady walking towards me. I noticed the older lady looked familiar to me but paid no mind because it's a huge park and I see tons of people. She just could have been a cast member or a guest I saw a previous day. The younger girl asked me a few questions. During this time I was being bugged by the famililarity of the lady. So when the girl finished I told of my feelings. She said said not unless I've been to Pittsburgh. I was like I live near there, I go to school at IUP. She said she used to work in Clarion. I was like I live there... well Rimersburg. Then I put it al together. She used to work at the National Record Mart in the Clarion Mall. I then remembered her name. So I took off the hat I was wearing and my sunglasses and she then recognized me. It was great.
So, for the past 11 days I've been desperately trying to get in contact with home. I have been able to contact no one. The last I talked to anyone was November 27. I've left messages and got nothing in return. It seems to me that I may very well be single. I hope not. I truly hope not. I'll be crushed.
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