We Shall See
The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That's real glory. That's the essence of it. -Vince Lombardi
I had to be at work at 9 o'clock this morning. I set the alarm for the appropriate time but for some reason I didn't get up. The medication I'm taking is making me feel so run down, so it is my belief that it is also the cause of my lack of ambition in the morning to jump right out of bed. So in a hustle I was this morning to get around and get to the bus stop. I made it just in time.
I get to the Ranger office and discover some Rangers without homes. There were no places to send us. In a way not having a home is nice but it also kind of sucks. So in all there were about 8 of us with no homes when the 10 o'clock Rangers start trickling in, Ashley being amongst them. As soon as she punches in Robert comes out to tell her that she has a home. How is it that 8 of us are ahead of her with no home? Then within five minutes I have a home. But here's the odd part. I was at the location until a half our before the end of my shift, so the last half our of my shift I was just going to sit around. My question is this: Why did they not deploy one of the 3 Rangers who got there before I did and whose shifts matched the need? I am now 110% convinced that Robert is a moron. -Anyway- I was deployed to Living Seas which is not a bad place to work. Yes, it is full of elderly whack jobs. Yes, it is boring as hell. Yes, it does smell kind of funny. Yes, the time crawls. But, I do enjoy my time there. Why? Because it's merchandise and I rarely get merchandise shifts. So I bask in the few I get. Within two hours of being there in walks another Living Seas cast member and Eric L. (another Ranger), which brings us up to 4 people. Four cast members to do a job that only requires 2 at the most to do. About an hour later we had a fifth person. Five cast members. How pointless. But Eric and I had a good time. The beginning of the day went quickly. It was the last quarter of my shift that drug on.
I got home about 1830 and started a bath. When I shared the bathroom with Daniel I never bathed - only showered. It was nothing against him. I just don't feel comfortable sitting in a tub that I'm sharing with a "stranger". So after he left I scrubbed and scoured the tub. So tonight I figured I better get on last bubble bath in before I get the new roommate on Monday. Almost immediately after entering the heavenly wonder that was my bath the phone rang. It was Casey. He was calling to see what he and I's plans were going to be for the evening. We discussed them and I got back to my relaxing. Within ten minutes the phone rang again. It was Shawna. She has finally called. =o) We talked for over an hour. It was nice. She had to go into a late shift at work and I had to get going to meet up with Casey.
Casey and I decided on food and a movie. We ate at the little cafe at Virgin records and then walked around Downtown Disney for an hour until the start of our movie. We had decided to watch National Treasure. It was a good movie but I tend to be bias when it comes to movies of that genre because I like them. I'm not saying it was a great movie but it wasn't a bad movie by any means. I liked it and will probably see it again before it leaves the theatre. The movie that I want to see the most is Finding Neverland. But it only has one show time at the theatre here. So it's gonna be rough to find an opportunity.
I work tomorrow at 1400-2230. That's the perfect custodial shift. =0\ We shall see. We shall see.
Dustin- I am glad I wasn't the only one who felt that robert's decisions yesterday were a little (ok alot) bias. Jerk. When will they fire him?
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