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Dustin's Diary

A look at the day's happenings and thoughts. ~Read at your own discretion. This blog is from the mind of the author and contains opinions that are of the author. It is no way endorced by any other company or any other body.

My Photo
Location: Rimersburg, Pennsylvania, United States

I am an enigma. A perfect right hand middle man living safely supported on the edge. Complicatedly simple or simply complicated, that's for you to decide. I lose the games I play & win the ones I don't. I'm not here to play games. I'm here, there, everywhere. Often I like to feel as if I'm the world. Other times I want to melt into the scenery. I see myself as a familiar stranger standing along the street as life speeds by. I like strangers & love my friends. I laugh when people fall but offer a helping hand. I hate people but love working with the public. The Constitution is wrong, all men are not created equal; they should be. I believe that not everyone has the same opportunities; it's what you do with the ones that lay before you that determine who you become. I like to walk. Running is too fast; but some roses are meant to be seen & not smelled. Time is an illusion created by man. I’ll create it for those who are willing to do the same. Your birthday is important to me & hope mine is to you. I tend to give more than I receive. Respect & appreciation are key. Conversation is a gold mine; knowledge is wealth & power. My intelligence is my most prized possession, don't insult it.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


"True strength lies in submission which permits one to dedicate his life, through devotion, to something beyond himself." ~ Henry Miller
Dedication is not what others expect of you, it is what you can give to others. There are a great many things in life that one can be dedicated to. Things like school, one's job, family and or friends. One can be a dedicated movie goer, sports fan or to their ketchup. There are those who are dedicated to TV, video games, or computers. But then you have those who are dedicated only to themselves. It is those people that will never know what it is to live. They could never fully appreciate life and all it has to offer in the great many things that surround us on a daily basis. There's a beauty in giving something or someone all you have. An aesthetic that can only be matched by having that dedication requited.

I find myself back on track after having gone astray. I recently started looking at life all wrong and placed value on all the wrong things therefore misdirecting my dedication. I put aside all that should have had my full attention to only give all of me to something that just wasn't capable of receiving and appreciating all that I had to offer. I now see that my priorities should have been reevaluated a long time ago. My 24th birthday is just around the corner and I just don't have the time to messing around with dedicating myself to inadequate and unrequited circumstances or people. The fact is that the future is merely a second away and it comes and goes that quickly. Do I really want to be spending my time, which I consider to be valuable, with something that in the grand scheme of things just shouldn't be that important? The truth is that question is loaded, and is merely rhetorical even to myself. Who judges what's important in persons life? There are few things that the professionals (and most people) all agree that are a necessity and important to people's lives... But what happens when you find yourself becoming less dedicated to those things and more dedicated to yourself?

I've just been so dedicated with the "now" and lost track of the "tomorrow". Where do I want to be? What do I want to be doing? Who do I want to be with? How will I live? Will I be happy? How do I want to be remembered by the people that I've crossed paths with? The truth is that all that matters and it should matter. Even if you lived your life being what you considered a good and happy life but then right before you die you realize that you missed out on so much then the truth is that you lived a miserable life. I refuse to be one of those people. I'd rather die having lived a life that I could be proud of (having been dedicated to all the right things) than die having lived a life that's merely adequately average.