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Dustin's Diary

A look at the day's happenings and thoughts. ~Read at your own discretion. This blog is from the mind of the author and contains opinions that are of the author. It is no way endorced by any other company or any other body.

My Photo
Location: Rimersburg, Pennsylvania, United States

I am an enigma. A perfect right hand middle man living safely supported on the edge. Complicatedly simple or simply complicated, that's for you to decide. I lose the games I play & win the ones I don't. I'm not here to play games. I'm here, there, everywhere. Often I like to feel as if I'm the world. Other times I want to melt into the scenery. I see myself as a familiar stranger standing along the street as life speeds by. I like strangers & love my friends. I laugh when people fall but offer a helping hand. I hate people but love working with the public. The Constitution is wrong, all men are not created equal; they should be. I believe that not everyone has the same opportunities; it's what you do with the ones that lay before you that determine who you become. I like to walk. Running is too fast; but some roses are meant to be seen & not smelled. Time is an illusion created by man. I’ll create it for those who are willing to do the same. Your birthday is important to me & hope mine is to you. I tend to give more than I receive. Respect & appreciation are key. Conversation is a gold mine; knowledge is wealth & power. My intelligence is my most prized possession, don't insult it.

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Ugh... I didn't post on Tuesday night because Daniel was here. He had come up on Monday and stayed all day Tuesday. We ran my English final down to my professor and then went to see a movie, "The Prince & Me". A cute movie even though it has cliche qualities. Movies are becoming so cliche... it's time that someone breaks free from the mold that's been set and do something a little more original -- like M. Night Shyamalan. Now his movies are fantastic. ~Anyway~ After the movie he and I went to dinner at Eat 'N Park where John decided to be super friendly. Has he come to his senses and now realizes that his friends caused him to make a big mistake? I don't know... and besides it's way to late. I don't really have time to be friends with someone who can be so easily led my others. We then came home and hung out so he could some homework for his Wednesday classes.

He left yesterday morning. I didn't do much yesterday. I just kind of hung out at home all day and studied for the finals that I had today. I had two finals today -- World Religions and History 195. I felt so unprepared for my History final. I had no idea what I was doing or what was going to be on it. He's a good teacher in some aspects but lets to much in the air and doesn't clarify anything. But once I had the test in my hands I looked over it and thought I'd do ok. An hour into the final I was writing so diligently that I hadn't noticed that the time was half over and I wasn't near half way done. My argumentative essay was long and turning out alright. I was writing on the children of the holocaust. At the point where only 30 minutes remained I had to hurry and then started to generalize everything to get finished on time. I think I did alright. I'm hoping because I need to get a good grade on it so I can keep a good GPA. As for my other final I'm sure that I did alright. It seemed to be a lot easier than most of his other tests even thought it was accumulative.

I came home to watch my daily shows that my mom recorded and then to check my email. While checking my mail Shawna and I had a nice long talk. I'm not sure what came of it but we'll see. During the talk I watched Survivor where Shii Ann got the boot. I hate that show. There is no one left that deserves to win. I then watched Kingdom Hospital. What an odd show. After that came Dateline investigates where they were talking about cheating. It seems that 74% of the student population admits to cheating on an exam within the past year. Craziness. I can't believe it... no wonder that my grade seems to suck when there's a curve. My paper is being compared to cheaters. Ugh...

and to sleep I go with 18 more days to go

Monday, April 26, 2004

Ah the thrill of it being Monday evening (sense the sarcasm?) Well let me excuse myself and let you know why I didn't post Saturday night or last night. I was in Ohio. Yes, I said Ohio. I know... I know... my life is way too exciting. Shawna IMed me on Saturday and asked me if I wanted to go to Ohio with her this weekend to help out her mom (a general manager at a Red Roof Inn). It seems her housekeepers are incompetent and all called off. Shawna said it would be a good for us to spend some time together and maybe fix our bond a little more. So out we went out to cover the maids' shifts. It was kinda fun though I don't feel it helped out our bond like she was said she was hoping it would do. We came home today around 4, late, which left Danny in a scramble to get to work and then myself in a scramble to find Daniel because he was to be at my house at 2. Ugh... So I came home and did some laundry before taking my final exam for English. I think I did alright. We'll see I guess. Well... that's all I have for today... I just didn't lead an exciting weekend at all. Hmm... maybe next time.

21 more days and counting...

Friday, April 23, 2004

Okay so let's talk about today. Dustin is not amused with how things are going, not amused at all.

First let's discuss the paradoxical entity that is Poog. An odd specimen of human life (if that's what he is). He irritates me to no end. It never fails that everyday he has some sort of ailment that limits his mobility so he's unable to do anything for his family -- like take care of his family -- but he is instantly cured when he's needed by Jason or anyone else that doesn't live in the same house as he. The more the activity is directly beneficial to him the faster it will be done. I've been thinking lately that he really should see a shrink of some kind and not only for is Munchausen Syndrome but his pathological lying in general. Every day there is a new lie that's more unbelievable than the prior one but he firmly believes his statements. I think he's starting to rub off on his son -- Ryan. Ryan seems to have hypochondriac behavior. My family has some real issues that needs to be worked out and soon.

My sister and her stupid husband are getting more and more on my nerves as the days go by. I do not understand. She didn't want to see or talk to anyone when she lived here. Why the hell does she deem it necessary to be here every freaking day?!? Would someone please tell me!?! Plus her dumb husband almost killed me. I have no idea where he learned to drive but he was completely on my side of the road and when he nearly hit me he still didn't swerve... I did. I had to swerve to the other side to miss him. Freaking dumb ass.

The twins piss me off as well. It never fails that those girls never get in trouble for anything. Most of the things they do I was beaten for doing. I remember constantly being punished. I do not understand why parents deem it necessary to punish the eldest and then slack off as they go down the line. When I was grounded (which wasn't very often) -- I was grounded. Well Danielle and gets grounded from going to see Chris on the weekend but then mom lets him come down here. How is that punishment? When I was grounded from people I was lucky if I was allowed to hear a human voice that wasn't my own or moms. The twins show complete and utter disrespect for everyone and get away with it. Ugh...

Again I ask of you -- where are my friends? Funny how people claim to be one thing and act like something else. I hate backstabbers, especially people that make a career out of it. Once may be a mistake and I can eventually drop the grudge but a consistent backstabber is just trash. I'm not going to point fingers or place blame. They (you) know who they (you) are. Then there are the friends who don't backstab you but don't act like friends. You're either my friend or you're not. Which is it? But I would like to thank the few that have been constant especially for the past few months. You were a great help when I needed someone as I hope I was when you needed someone.

Speaking of needing someone -- I could use a hug or someone to talk to but she was working and he's sleeping. Does anyone else care?

24 more days. Will you miss me?

Thursday, April 22, 2004

That's it. Today was my last day of classes. That is exciting. So now I only need to go to campus two more times and that's only to take my final exams. My Human Lit prof gave us his final today but it's a take home. So I am currently in possession of the final for that class. I've only looked at for the brief few moments in class that he allotted us. I'm not about t break the honor code that he is holding us to. I'd feel so guilty. Besides I did excellent on the mid-term and I have strong feelings that I'll do just as well on this exam. I took an exam in World Religions (not a final) and I know that I got %100 on it. I know I did. Odd really. Buddhism is one of the top three most difficult religions to wrap your mind around, yet, it's the only exam in that class that I aced. It's just easier for me to understand and contemplate difficult things. It's the easy things that I mess up with every opportunity.

I came home and took a shower and settled in for Survivor. That show pisses me off. I don't understand why I take it so personal. What happens on that show has no impact on my life but I take things so personal. lol. I need to get more of a life. I just love reality TV and get sucked into it. Ugh.

25 days left and counting before I head on down to Disney World. I called everyone that matters to me to invite them to my going away party. I got one RSVP and a ton of I don't knows. What happened to all my friends? At one point I have way too many... now I don't have one to spare. =(

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Wednesday, you know what that means. Tomorrow is my last day of classes. Yay.

I didn't do anything today except run to Clarion for a few tid-bits of odd and ends. Stuff I needed. Before I did that I did write a paper for English, that's due tomorrow. It turned out nice. It's going to be an "A" if I say so myself. I was in such a great mood this morning. I don't really know why I was, I just was. Danielled came over to my house and we went back to Clarion because she needed to go to Wal*Mart to buy socks. We then went to Arby's. I've not been in Arby's since Halloween and even then I hadn't been in there since I was wrongfully fired. I'm so proud of myself though. I knew I was illegally fired and fought it. Everyone told me that I shouldn't because they had every right to can me but I did it anyway. Guess what?!? I won. Yup, I was right. One can not be fired simply because they think you're a homosexual. So, I was in there. Everyone there is new. That place can't keep anyone because they fire everyone for dumb reasons or force them to quit. Oh well... that little empire that is Toby Food Group is slowly falling. =)

I'm done with classes tomorrow but some people still have a few weeks and so this is for them:

A year has past and now we stand on the brink of returning to a world where we are surrounded by the paradox of everything yet nothing being the same. In a few weeks we will reluctantly give our hugs and, fighting the tears, say goodbye to the people who were once just names on a sheet of paper to return to people that we hugged and fought tears to say goodbye to before we ever left. We will leave our best friends to return to our best friends. We will go back to places we came from and go back to the same things we did last summer and every summer before. We will come into town on that same familiar road, and even thought it has been months, it will seem like only yesterday.

As you walk into your old bedroom, every emotion will pass through you as you reflect on the way your life has changed and the person you have become. You suddenly realize that the things that were most important to you a year ago don't seem to matter so much anymore, and the things you hold highest now, no one at home will completely understand. Who will you call first? Where are you going to work? Who will be at the party Saturday night? What has everyone been up to? Who from school will you keep in touch with? How long before you actually start missing people bargaining in without calling or knocking? Who will get bread sticks with you at three in the morning? How long until you adjust to sleeping in a room by yourself, or how long before you realize your three best friends aren't in the bed next to your room?

Then you realize how much things have changed, you realize the hardest part of college is balancing the two completely different worlds you now live in, trying desperately to hold on to everything all the while trying to figure out what you have to leave behind. In the matter of one day's traveling time, we will leave our world of living next door to our best friends, walking across campus to eat, instant messenger, 8:00 classes, and perpetual procrastination to a world that will seem foreign to us despite the fact that we have lived in it for nineteen years.

But it is different now... We now know the meaning of true friendship. We know whom we have kept in touch with over the past year and whom we hold dearest to our hearts. We've left our high school worlds to deal with the real world. We have had our hearts broken, we've fell in love, we've helped our best friends through the toughest times of their lives, something their even best friends at home couldn't be there for. We've stayed up all night just to be there for a friend. We've partied the night away, doing stupid stuff, but we were always there for each other afterwards. There have been times when we've felt so helpless being hours away from home when we know our families or friends needed us most, and there are times when we know we have made a difference.

A few weeks from now we will leave. A few weeks from now we take down our pictures, and pack up our clothes. No more going next door to do nothing for hours on end. We will leave our friends whose random emails and phone calls will bring us to laughter and tears this summer. We will take our memories and dreams and put them away for now, saving them for our return to this world.

A few weeks from now we will arrive. A few weeks from now we will unpack our bags and have dinner with our families. We will drive over to our best friend's house and do nothing for hours on end. We will return to the same friends whose random emails and phone calls have brought us laughter and tears over the past year. We will unpack old memories and dreams that have been put away for the past year.

A few weeks from now we will dig deep inside to find the strength and conviction to adjust to change and still keep each other close. And somehow, in some way, we will find our place between these two worlds.

In a few weeks.... are you ready?

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I slacked for two days after I promised I wouldn't but I can honestly say that not much happened in those days (in means of actual events) that were worth mentioning anyway. I didn't post Sunday night because I had passed out literally. I woke up in the middle of the night in my clothes across my bed with my contacts in and laying on the phone. As for last night I had other stuff on my mind. I had a thought yesterday. I guess it was more of a sad realization that really isn't reality. I've grown up with people (family, peers, strangers) telling me that I'm a second rate human being and that I'm not worth much more than the common trailer trash that one could find in any suburban Pennsylvania town. Well for some reason, I'm not entirely sure of the actual events or thought process that led up to it, but for some reason, I bought into yesterday. I can't let them win. I will not live down to their expectations because then I won't be any better than them (who are the ones who really aren't worth the earth they walk upon). Yet they have a point. Dreams don't come true for people like me (who's lost everything) unless someone (like Oprah or Ellen) takes pity and gives charity but I don't accept charity and will achieve my goals on my own to help other's achieve their dreams.

Today wasn't much more exciting that a day of neutering your pet. I went to classes and came home. During my Human Lit class however I performed my Yoko Ono piece (it's written at the end of the post). During this performance and my watching a few other performances some deep thoughts did happen to cross my mind. It's kind of amazing how something so simple as some of these pieces end up being a universe full of profound thoughts. During my performance I was allowed to look into people and see them. I was able to realize some people's true beauty or lack of. It allowed me to the parts of themselves they are self conscientious about. It's said that the eyes are the window to the soul. As we gaze into the mirror it's easy for us to see that cliche as being true due to the fact that we are able to see ourselves (on the inside) but only because we know who we truly are. Now take that same appreciative and inquisitive searching and gazing and look into the eyes of a stranger for just a few moments. Yet a problem exists and that's the problem of allowing yourself to be so open to see within them. As easy or as stupid as it seems, it isn't.

Mirror Piece

Instead of obtaining a mirror,
obtain a person.
Look into him.
Use different people.
Old, young, fat, small, etc.

1964 Spring; Yoko Ono

Saturday, April 17, 2004

So now here is today ~

I woke up early this morning because my teeth hurt so badly. I'm sure what's going on. I've never had a toothache in my life and now all of a sudden I'm getting them like crazy. I seem to get them mostly at night and when I first wake up in the morning. Well this mornings was terrible. I just wanted to cry. I went downstairs and brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth out a few time with Listerine. The pain went down a little. Enough for me to focus on going back to sleep. So then I re-awoke and headed down the stairs. I'm not to sure of my actions for the most part or at least not up tile I left for the movies at 3. My brother, Jenn and I went to see "The Punisher". I enjoyed it, good movie. Then we went to the video store and rented 2 movies I hadn't seen "The Hole" and "Honey". We also rented "Mona Lisa Smile" which I had seen in theaters. We then came home and watched "The Mummy Returns" before I watched "The Hole". Kind of an odd movie, interesting. The other two we will watch tomorrow. So now here I sit.

I've been waiting for Daniel to call me. I tried to call him and got some automated message from AT&T wireless saying that my call can not be completed at this time. I wonder what's going on. Maybe the incoming storm has done something to the cell towers. It may already be storming in Greensburg. I can tell my the mugginess and the smell of the air that we're in for a good storm tonight. I generally like thunderstorms, especially at night. Makes me all cozy. I enjoy sitting on a porch swing and gently swaying as the lightening strikes an lights up the night sky as the rain thumps on the ground all around with a pulsating consistency with the roar of the thunder. Solemn. ::sigh:: Daniel should have emailed me though and let me know something was up or at least sent me an IM. hmm...

One more day down. 30 more and counting...

Saturday afternoon and I missed 3 days of blogging. I just didn't have the ambition to do it. But I will now catch you up and promise to not let this happen again. Discipline... that's what I need.

So Wednesday was just like any other Wednesday, I think. I don't remember going anywhere or doing anything. I believe I just stayed home all day and worked on some school work and prepared for my drag show.

Thursday was class day. I woke up early so I had extra time to get dressed since I was dressing in drag for the day. After I grabbed a shower I woke my sister so she could do my make-up. I was then off to class. No one said anything to me in my Religions class. English everyone was excited and said I looked hot. =) Next came History where Dr. Arpaia said I looked good in a skirt and my fellow pupils thought it was great fun. Now I was off to my EDSP where everyone had been waiting patiently for me to arrive because they knew that I was dressing today (no one in the other classes knew). Again the reviews where great. Apparently I make a hot girl... but in my opinion my face is a bit to masculine to pull off drag. Next time (if there ever is one) I would need to make some accommodations. I then was off to the HUB so I could help with getting ready for the fashion show and drag show. I ended up talking with a girl who a lot of questions about myself, drag, sexuality, life, her, me, etc... it was deep. The fashion show started and then it was rushing around to make sure that everyone would be ready for the drag show because it was up next. I was all kinds of nervous but I went up on stage and did my two performances. The song they had for me wasn't the song that I had prepared for... they had the wrong version so alas my nervousness went thru the roof but I did ok. The crowd loved me. =) I had a little fun. After it was over I walked to my car where I immediately removed the boots, wig and tape. I came home where the bra came off almost instantly. Doing this gave me a whole new appreciation for girls and what they have to go thru in order to look good. The money, stress and pain is humbling.

Friday I didn't do much. I stayed home and rested because I was still in all kinds of pain from the day prior. My feet HURT so badly as did my head. I took some pain killers and read some of my History book. Finals are coming up and I need to prepare for them. That means that my departure date is coming up quick. I have a month to go. But as fast as the past few weeks have been flying by the month will go by in no time at all.

I'll write tonight about today... stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Let's make like a tomato and ketchup.

Friday- Shawna and I hung out. I purchased Lord of the Rings Movie Trilogy Trivial pursuit. Good thing I've seen all three movies a billion times.

Saturday- Uhmm... I don't remember what I did.

Sunday- Easter. Oh, happy day (feel the sarcasm). I hate holidays. Although, it didn't turn out all that badly. I picked up Shawna from her aunts house and brought her to my home. Daniel showed up as well. What a nice surprise. We took Shawna home 'cause her hubby got off work and then they both came down later to play games. Daniel and I went to bed kind of early because he had class Monday morning.

Monday- I designated mostly to homework. While I was in the shower Shawna called me so I called her back and got no answer. I left a message. We were setting up a game date to play my new game. Daniel called me late last night. We ended up fighting and he hung up on me. I hate that. I now wait for him to call me back because I will not call him.

Tuesday (today)- I woke up on time and feeling alright. I get to my first class and take an exam (I think I did alright). I then go to Human Lit and get my assignment for the Ono-fest that's scheduled next week. History's next where he lectured all class as usual. Then came Educational psych where I had an exam (I don't know...) then to Comm. It was a short class because he was doing a run thru of our portfolios. I fixed my problems and moved on. I hung around campus because I had a meeting (about the Fasion Show and the Drag Show on Thursday) followed by an allies meeting. I came home now here I sit.

As the time for me to leave for Florida approaches quickly I am seeing which friendships mean the most to me and which ones I am willing to let go. There comes a point when everyone must realize that having massive amounts of friends isn't necessary. I've known this for a while but this trip of mine is reinforcing it. I just hope that the relationships with the few people that are worth holding on to are strong enough for this. Eight months is a long time to be gone. What will become of my love life? Shall it fail? As much as I hope it doesn't and as much as I'd like it to last, I don't see it lasting the summer especially the way things are going at this very moment. Shawna and I are on the mend. Our friendship will not be to the point it was/should be but I think it'll be at a point where the distance won't dissolve us. Her and Danny are thinking of visiting me and so is Kacy. I'm just ready to leave Pennsylvania.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Blah. Today can't be summarized any better than that. The sky was drab and dreary. It rained almost all day leaving it feeling damp and dank. Oh, there just isn't anything like spring in Pennsylvania except for maybe a bad case of hemorrhoids. Both are equally pleasant (or at least I assume, since I've not had hemorrhoids [guess I've not sat on cold cement long enough {or at least that's how mom said you got them}to get them] ever in my life).

Today started out much like any other Thursday. I wake up, shower and drive to class. The only excitement came in Human Lit.. Picture it. Leonard Hall. Room 218. Me in my brown tight form fitting polyester button up shirt from Express and a pair of lighter brown Khakis complete with a pair of brown Sketchers; standing in the front of the class. My hands in fists placed upon my sides slightly above my hips. My lower lip drew back just behind my upper teeth with my tongue held back as to not interfere with the constant stream of the ominous beginning sounds of the letter "V" coming from the vibrations produced from the rush of air being forced out. I slowly pulsate my arms imitating the flapping of wings as I start to aimlessly meander around the room. Voila! I have transformed into a fly. Thank you Yoko Ono. Then off to my other classes and then to see a Tibetan Buddhist Monk. Now I am home. Fun times. I guess the main thing to remember is that: Everyday is a holiday, here at IUP. =P

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Ah Tuesday... One more day of classes down. This leaves me with a total of 5 class days left. So today I got up on time, not so eager to start the day but exactly dragging ass. Just kind of methodical like. I checked my downloads and found a billion pop-ups. Some how, some way spyware (the spawn of Satan [next to Wal*Mart]) found its way onto my computer. Well I will have none of it so I fixed that in a hurry. I went to grab a shower to discover that one of my sisters decided to take my time slot. I don't know what she was thinking. Why should this Tuesday be any different than the past 8 months of Tuesdays. She knew that I get a shower every Tuesday and Thursday at that time. Grr... So I marched my happy butt back to my room and got all my stuff ready for the day hoping to be able to spare a few minutes that I may be able to make it to IUP on time. After I was finally able to make it in the shower and get dressed I hurried on my merry little way. I get to IUP in time to see the scheduling coordinator, Maggie Babco, in the Office of Career Services about my internship and sophomore block. But I was unable to make it to see Steve Shirig, so I'll do that on Thursday. I did my usual class routine. Today in English we received our mid-term grades back (officially) I got a 95% (I tied for highest). The professor gave everyone in the class an upward curve of 5% points, so I ended up with a 100%. WOOHOO!! Other than that nothing exciting happened in class.

I find driving to be quite relaxing sometimes and a great opportunity to think and contemplate the happenings of one's life. So today on my way home I realized that I have been living in a fantasy world thinking that there are people who will be with you until the bitter end. I've always known this, and have unconsciously accepted it. It's the story of my life -- family & friends alike. People walk into my life with the goal of causing some kind of pain and once they achieve it they walk right on out as swiftly as they entered. This being one of the reasons that I fought so hard to keep people at bay and not allow them to climb the walls that I built. Lately tho it seems that I have blundered and let a small group of people in my walls. What they have done I can only describe as pillage and plunder what hope and faith I had left in people. I am quickly learning from my mistake though but I'm not so sure that I like that I am allowing these people to harden me any more than I already am. I don't like that I have come to the point that my happiness is being derived from that fact that I don't care and I don't have to care. Why should I care, it's obvious these people have no concern for the people they decide to walk all over and use for the time they infest their lives. Some of my happiest memories are being decayed by the fact that these people are in the memory. It's making me hollow. I can feel myself, everyday, becoming more empty. The only think I'm left with are lessons in life and living and the hope that these people are able to realize the pain they caused the people they walked on and feel slightly bad, but I highly doubt that will happen. People like that would never admit they were wrong. I'm tired of taking the blame for shit that isn't my fault. Which brings me to something else. I abhor it when someone (especially friends) blames me for something I didn't do and they simply refuse to believe that I'm innocent even though they know I couldn't be guilty. In the eyes of a Buddhist or Hindu, being cursed with friends like this, I must have been a terrible slug in my past life. =(

Monday, April 05, 2004

Let's review my weekend.

Friday: Well... hmm... nothing of any importance happened. I did my usual. Ellen, Passions, and Days of Our Lives. Tried to call Shawna a couple of times but never got thru to her so I left a message. Daniel came over so I hung with him. We rented some movies. He hadn't seen either Final Destination movies so I suggested them. I like them where as he didn't care to much for the graphic depictions in the second one. He's such a sissy girl. =P

Saturday: Again nothing of any significance happened though out the day. I had tried calling Shawna again, to see if she would like to go bowling or skating with Daniel and I. Again I got no answer but didn't leave a message because I hate machines and she didn't return my call from the previous day so it might not have done me any good anyway. Voice mails, answering machines, etc... are huge pet peeves of mine. I hate talking to them and hate it even more of leaving a message gets me no where. So, FYI to everyone. =P ~Anyway~ When I realized Shawna wasn't calling back I called Jenn & Ryan to see if they'd like to go. I enjoy bowling. I was the bowler of the night with a turkey, several doubles and a score of 137 under my belt (not my best score but my best for the night). Then out of the blue 5 games later (second to the last game) Daniel hits spares like crazy and a double giving him the high score of 165. He didn't get a turkey tho and I had more doubles than he did =P Good game tho. Rematch soon.

Sunday: This was designated homework day as seeing as how Daniel had class on Mondays. His English Prof doesn't give a lot of homework but the homework she gives takes some serious time and you can't go any faster than the program, she uses, will allow you to go. So he worked on his homework and I worked a little on mine. I'm a procrastinator when it comes to homework and I knew I had today to do it. At some point in the day I had fallen asleep and took a nap. I have no idea how long I was out but when I awoke he was napping to and it was like 6 O'clock. So we ate supper and hung out at home for the evening because he had to leave this morning.

Today: I woke up to see Daniel off, put a load of laundry in and then laid back down until 11. I woke up switched laundry and watched Ellen. I then worked on some homework. I went to the library so I could play some children's interactive computer programs. =) It was for my Communications Media class. I came home watched Days of Our Lives and then attempted to head out to see a movie, Hellboy but my plans were dashed when I hit the driveway and saw no car. Dad had taken it to get my brother. So I came back inside and watched Blue Crush. I then worked on my homework and finished it up. I then settled in for Fear Factor and the Average Joe Season Finale. Which I'm currently in the middle of watching. =)

Let me discuss something else that came to my mind this weekend. This thought was not induced by any one person but was a collaboration of several people actions. I have noticed that I tend to be the initiator. I mean in everything: conversations, calls, making plans, IMs, friendships, relationships, kissing, sex, etc... I've always been the type of person to not shy away and just take the initiative and move forward in something. I'm tired of it. It really wears a person out. For once I would appreciate someone - anyone being the initiator in something - anything. I must give kudo's to Kacy. She indeed does initiate the plans for when we make plans and it's a great relief. =)

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Thursday, finally my weekend can start.

I got up and went to class. A Buddhist Monk came into my World Religions class to speak. It was interesting. I enjoyed it. After that came English, in which we watched the worst short film I have ever seen. It was some French title by Salvador Dali. History was boring as ever. In Educational Psych, the class was reprimanded for being disrespectful to our peers. I'm telling you, some of the people in that class need to go back to high school and learn respect. I came home and received my mail. The only letter I got was from Disney. Oh, how I feared to open the envelope but I did. Congratulations to me! I am now officially a Disney Cast Member. I leave May 18 and return January 5. I then went to the open house at the Career Center did some hygiene product shopping, grabbed a bite to eat at McDonald's and headed home. I watched The Apprentice, Survivor, and Days of Our Lives. Talked to Daniel and Levi and now I'm heading to bed.

Sweet dreams to me. =)