"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exists, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy." - Charles Dana
"A lovely thing about Christmas is that it's compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together." - Garrison Keillor
And so we did. Just as we weathered out the worst hurricane season FL has seen; we stuck it out through Christmas as well - The Rescue Rangers.
As this Christmas season draws to a close, I'm no more in the mood for it to happen than I was when it began. This year I am just unable to bring myself to obtain any kind of merriment that is to be had during this special time of year. In the years past listening to Christmas music was almost always a sure way to brighten my day but this year it does nothing for me.
I firmly believe that it has a lot to do with last year's holiday season.It has little to do with working at MouseGear all day and eating a Tuna Fish Sandwich form a vending machine, lol. It has more to do with the people. I know Lynn firmly believes that held nothing more or less than contempt for the company and my fellow cast members - but then that only shows how much of a lousy person and manager she really was. She didn't listen or pay attention to us. Despite the drama that encased the Ranger office, we -- the Rangers -- were close. It was drawing near the end of our program. We had spent 7 months growing close, then apart and closer still. We were a family, in our own dysfunctional way, and I liked it.
The time we spent in FL away from our family and friends at home was time spent growing as people. During this growth me met people along the way that would change the course of our lives. We created many superficial friends but just as many life-long friendships. It would be impossible to place a value on the lessons, wisdom, and friends gained during my internship at the Walt Disney World Resort.
In part, that would be why this Christmas has me in a funk. I miss it. FL. Disney. Them. Us. Last Chrsitmas was one of the best I've ever had and I owe it all to the people that I shared it with. Not just the Rangers but also to John - a wonderful roommate, Casey - a wonderful person and fantastic friend (someone I feel very honored to have met), and to countless other people. I thank each and everyone of them and wish them all the joy this holiday season.